Saturday 17 August 2024

Ogre Warband Part 5

A problem with white fur…

Having knocked a few of the big guys together I turned my attention to the light cavalry/skirmisher element that will also give the warband its totem and theme.

Bloody great wolves.

Where this particular group of ogres hail from does not support a viable population of sabre cats (because I can’t bloody find them) so we turn to the next best thing…dogs! To the lay person…eight Fenrisian wolves to be exact.

Tried basing them individually on 40x40’s the same as the ogres to begin with to make three units of three, but there was just too much room left between them. Too spaced out they didn’t look hungry, ravening or fighting for position for the first bite. Three each on a 40x40 base was too clogged until a minor brain tremor made me realise that two 60x40 bases would make up the same frontage as the basic 6 man ogre unit.

Two wolves on each base, two bases to a unit equalled two units of four wolves. Custom units require custom bases so one 40mm base glued to two 20x20mm bases and reenforced with green stuff…eh viola…no monetary outlay.


Black wolves are cool and scary but our lads hail from the snowy north so what about some lovely fluffy white doggies?

Mmmm…test painting proved troubling and disappointing in the same measure. Dry brushing too much white giving too much of a chalky appearance.

Was about to change tac in frustration when a mild google revealed that many ‘white’ wolves are much more brown and sandy coloured then one might think.

Return to the paint table my son and dig in…

Starting from a wraith bone base then highlighting up to white I then used a number of beige to brown washes to lower the tone and form a darker stripe along the spine and around the muzzle. A couple of light grey washes (Vallejo) on the legs and lower body gave quite a pleasing colour variation while still staying within the basic ‘white’ coat and a much more natural feel to it. Eyes teeth and jaws and I’m pretty happy with the outcome for saying it started badly.

Four down and four to go and makes a nice interval between the main event big guys 👍🏼

Cheers all

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