Monday 9 September 2024

Ogre Warband Part 7 : Light infantry

 Light infantry?

Not round here I’m afraid, not with these salad dodging maniacs. Maybe ‘slightly lighter’ infantry is more accurate for what will eventually 🤞be two units of 6 models that will represent perhaps the younger members of the tribe who have yet to graduate to being armoured. 

These guys will be the meat of the army, gap filling and reserves held back from the carnage of the armoured charge (which is probably as far as tactics will go) used to mop up the gravy of war with the bodies of the shell shocked enemy stragglers.

However the problem quickly arose of storage of the beast as said war band uses movement trays of approximately 130mm x 90mm per unit (I’ve tried to make them all a standard footprint bar the wolves) and this, as can be imagined, will take up quite a bit of shelfage real estate.

To the charity shop!

Old, and not so old but unloved, board games provide a valuable resource to the space strapped army builder. This one in particular being ‘Scene it’ if memory serves. Large deep and of a sturdy heavy card construction, reminiscent of a space hulk box, and going for only £3 really can’t be sniffed at to protect one’s beloved toy soldiers. The only problem being that it’s just not deep enough especially as the leaders of the current effort will be a three model cavalry unit. 

Still ambiguous about the whole mounted ogre thing… (these guys surely weigh a metric tonne a piece before lunch so how even the most cunningly conceived contraption of leather could keep them strapped to a galloping mount without explosively and embarrassingly failing on the first charge vexes me beyond words)…but digression aside…we have three of these guys in the hoard so we might as well use them and they will form a striking centre-piece/command unit so…

…mourn fangs are frankly elephantine in 28mm stature and with an ogre perched on top they are well into 110-130mm tall territory depending on weapons. Just too tall for the box provided. Think man…if you can…

After a lot of hard thunks, destroying and rebuilding the box to fit just seemed to loose any protective integrity so a roomy bespoke mezzanine/extension of grey board was drawn-up, planned and executed and reet happy with how it turned out we was too 👍🏼.

As an actual bonus, and with zero prior thought applied to a problem that wasn’t even dreamed of, three movement trays fit precisely long-wise into the box (boy did that save a tantrum) and three forwards-wise also, with a tickle to spare, meaning the nine planned units would fit in the box like a child’s finger up their own nostril👍🏼.

Ahhhhh…the unplanned beauty of it all…

Really enjoying watching this army grow and come together and the bits box/hoard is taking a real beating in the process👍🏼

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Ogre Warband Part 7 : Light infantry

 Light infantry? Not round here I’m afraid, not with these salad dodging maniacs. Maybe ‘slightly lighter’ infantry is more accurate for wha...