Scenario 3: Get to da....oh never mind
‘Oo oo oo ooo oo o’
Translation: ‘Well we’re shorthanded with the boss laid up but I’m sure if we all pull together we can get the Doc to the transport...’
Hoping for a quiet day at the office, the last three crew members (Clyde, Harris and Johansen) guide the rescued Doctor to the waiting choppa...
Turn one started slow, Clyde took charge of the Doc and Harris stuck close. Johansen had other ideas rolled maximum actions and triggered a random spawning straight off the bat . A large Ban-dog appeared on the far side of the board. She then moved into space and searched for some much needed salvage.....result two salvage markers and one very large hungry looking Carnivorous Ape...marvellous...
The ape then double activated, charged Johansen and reduced her to one condition point for no damage in return.
Thankfully it lost interest in the following turn and random moved letting Harris have a close range pop with her last AP rounds. JAM!
‘For fleg's sake noooo....’
Sensing that it was going to be one of those days she turned and double moved away taking the Doc off of Clyde’s hands in the process.
Johansen knowing the end was near squeezed off a couple of rounds while the ape’s back was turned
‘Right in the arse!’
Turn 3 and it was time to make some hard choices. Clyde stood between the ban-dog and the Doc so he ATC’d forward for no hits then shot the shimmering beast only to watch the rounds absorbed by its inter dimensional hide.
Next it was Harris’s turn to top score and attract the attention of three passing tech savages. Thankfully at distance. She then un-jammed her weapon and moved close to the transport under cover of the cliffs. The ape attacked Johansen again losing a wound in the process.
The ban-dog gave Clyde ‘a look’ then leaped on him reducing them both to only one condition point in vicious punch up.
Staggered by her wounds Johansen only managed to generate one action.
With enough space she gave the ape both barrels for only one damage die then rolled three hits! The first was taken by its hide.
'See that? Ricocheted off one of its big honky teeth!'
While the second and third drilled into its brain !! Dead.
Turn four saw the ban-dog finish the job on Clyde taking him out, the tech savages circled around to the salvage markers and Johansen (who claimed one) while Harris made good her escape with the Doc.
Initiative stayed with the adversaries in turn five and they closed in on the limping Johansen who just managed to stay out of their reach.
Turn 6 and the ban-dog tries to chase Johansen down but she is saved when Harris makes it to the transport with the Doc bringing the game to an end...
Well it started bad, got worse and then the sun came out.
Watching the transport disappear over the horizon with the valuable doctor the crew lick their wounds and take stock.
Clyde came back at full strength and Barnes returns too but things are not looking good...only Harris and Johansen gained any upgrades for the effort (marksman skill for Harris and a deal of mods for both) but it will be all for nothing if they don’t find ammo and rations.
Barnes now has the butt of his shotgun (no ammo) 1 incendiary and 2 frag grenades (should be fun)...The rest have enough ammo for one mission then it’s knives only. And that’s if the rations hold out...
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