The wanderer returns…
Thursday, 22 June 2023
Friday, 9 June 2023
Search teams
Still deciding on the actual setting but these minis are always fun to paint
Denizens of The Morningstar
Repaints really for a more fleshy look, corrupted inhabitants, teeming cannon fodder types (mantic games)
And also some intergalactic space worms to tunnel through the ship sold by the nice folks at 3d kingdoms.
My first really serious use of 3d printed miniatures and frankly I was impressed. Not sure whether they needed washing like their resin counterparts but did so anyway.
Detailing is great, easy to work with, minimal flash and took the paint like a dream so…recommend the figures and the company 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Cheers all
Into the Wilderness: Mission 3 1/2
Mission 4: Well 3 1/2 really...
Decided to go with a rerun of the rescue just to see what would happen...with Cole having the only ammo (AP for his pistol) and everyone else using boots and rifle butts it should provide us with some death defying fun. Thing is situations like this are going to happen with the rules the way they are. Pathfinder teams are volunteer soldier/explorers venturing into a new world from the ruins of the old. There is no 'pimping out' or 'power gaming' because the resources just aren't there. Of course it is possible to pimp out a crew simply by fudging a few dice rolls but this is far from the spirit of the game. So we use what we have and crack on...
Turns 1-4
Set up posed some interesting questions...2 objective markers were generated in the crew deployment area and both were in LOS so had to be revealed. 2 salvage markers, 3 savages and a hunting dog in a pear tree. AMBUSH!!!
'We're dead, we're dead, we're all dead!'
'Butler get a grip will you? I'll hold them up, you get Hooper out of here...'
The first savage random moved while Cole, with 2 actions, attempted to thin the ranks of the enemies, the first armour piercing rounds must have loosened the plates of its knobbly hide as the second shot put the dog down and there was enough wounds left over to 'walk' 4 onto the savage standing next to it. The other blue buggers milled around a bit seeming unsure as to how to close the trap they had sprung while Radcliffe default moved for 3 inches. Butler specifically ignored a direct order and closed with the nearest savage but neither could find an opening. Turn 2 and Cole scored 3 actions, adding some more savages to the pot, and started plugging away, taking out his first target and literally dissolving the second with 7 wounds, ahhhh armour piercing, messy.
He then ATC'd for a clean sweep of the area but missed with both dice. The remaining savages took the hint and gave chase but Radcliffe's 6 inch move kept him out of reach. The faithful Butler, raised his rifle and blew the head off the nearest savage...until he (and I) realised that the gun was in fact empty (doh) as no one except Cole had any ammo. The savage was duly resurrected, Butler moved away for 6 inches and we said no more about it.
The crew retained the initiative in turn 3, mostly due to attrition, and Cole used his single action to ATC, blasting a savage back through the doorway it was attempting to sneak through, not killing it but stealing its activation for the wounds. Radcliffe closed with an alien but could only muster a swing and a miss...twice. The alien slid past this ineffectual barrage and softened Butler up by 1 condition point, stopping his activation. Turn 4 and with all the close moves and ATCing etc the crew are actually making pretty good ground and when Cole blasted another savage out of the way he decided that his second action might be worth a search, we do need some loot after all. It's not...he finds an salvage marker okay but then rolls nothing to reveal it...pants.
The savage with the raised knife (hitherto fore known as the leader) is proving to be a tough SOB batting Radcliffe's attack away and knocking him down a condition point. The leader then survives a burst of fire from Butler who HAS NO AMMO!!!!! again. Butler, the young handsome fool, closes instead and pays for it. Already wounded he succumbs to the riposte and the grinning savage wipes its blade on the grass, beckoning to Radcliffe.
Turns 5-8
Things started moving faster from here. Cole uses his sole action to shoot the leader, taking a condition point and stopping it from activating this turn. Radcliffe had a fine idea for his 2 actions and nips in to snatch a salvage marker from under the nose of the wounded leader while another savage sneaks in behind. We're getting really close now so Cole risks another search, 2 more savages another dog and at last some salvage and they all, including the leader, surround Cole. He nods to Radcliffe, who now understands what it means to be a Pathfinder.
'You best be off kid.'
Radcliffe makes it count, freeing Hooper with his first action and then heroically scuttling away with his second. Two turns to get out of here.
Turn 7 and Cole surrounded and outnumbered chooses the best time to fail his activation but miraculously the leader and his henchman random move away while the dog moves to guard the nearest salvage marker.
Hooper remains as an NPC for the scenario so receives no activation (something that could be altered in a later game). Radcliffe, who is now carrying her, scores two actions and moves right to the edge of the table, one inch from victory. Decision time. Technically that's the game but with one action left and another whole turn to play...sometimes you just have to gamble. He uses his last action to search and scores a welcome spot of savage. An alien brave closes with Cole who beats it back with another notch on his machete.
Turn 8. The adversaries snatch the initiative the closest hurling a wickedly barbed dart and Cole is literally saved from death by the thickness of his flak coat. He then dispatches much of the wounded with his first action, the enemies are so closely packed that he can spread the wounds around. One savage drops, one dog drops and another is wounded out of activation. Breathing space at last and the fearless Pathfinder claims a salvage with his last move of the game.
'The leader' random moves...straight into base contact with Cole! It is a duel that has been brewing all game and when the dust falls the alien leader is on his knees. His final sight in this world, the implacable face of his killer.
Radcliffe gets the final say. Two actions means he can move to claim another salvage, stash it in his pack and scuttle off the board for a win!
For once a gamble pays off.
At last something to do on our day off. Well it's 4 EXP for the win plus 3 salvage markers so we get 2 resolves, a range and a new skill. Meaning Butler gets promoted a rank and everyone is now rolling 4's for activation which is mildly reassuring.
Radcliffe is now a marksman, nice, and uses his other skill to alter smoke grenades to thunder flash. We have enough ammo to form a passable firing squad for the next scenario and decided that the machete that was found was actually an entrenching tool as that was what Hooper had on her belt. Closest we get to WYSIWYG around here.
Stay tuned...Cheers all.
Nice dark tones to match their outlook and disposition I think 🤔👍🏼
Chers all
From the void…
Sunday, 14 May 2023
Scenario 4: Night Attack: And then there were three…
Following the semi victory of ‘get to da...’ The crew retire to lick their wounds....days later after pushing through a thick band of forest, they spy a number of tents huddled into a circle...everyone is tired so here will be as good a place as any to rest up...but as night falls it soon becomes painfully apparent why the camp has been abandoned...
Charged with protecting their meagre camp (it must be clear of adversaries by the end of turn eight) the crew spend the first turn taking up defensive positions.
Barnes triggers the appearance of a tentacle with the first roll of the game and reveals two salvage markers as nothing, while Harris reveals one and no bad guys.
Turn two and Barnes claims a salvage then returns to cover, Clyde patrols the perimeters and Harris uses her Looter skill to move a marker within range and neatly claims it but the noise rouses a carnivorous ape that had been dozing in one of the tents!
Johansen deals with a mutant hand to hand style then having no fond memories of the vicious simians reduces it to two condition points pistol wise...enraged the ape attacks Barnes causing a single wound on the leader.
Turn 3 and because he was pushed back Barnes is able to use his only range weapons...grenades...
'...err the incendiary if you please Carruthers?'
Seven fire related hits later and the area is awash with the scent of crispy, aromatic ape!
The tentacle is too far from the light of the bbq and so cannot be targeted so everyone else takes a breather.
Turn 4 sees the arrival of a brace of hyena ticks (gross) which are quickly dispatched by the combined shooting of Clyde and Johansen.
Harris searches again to no avail and a predatory dinosaur takes to the high ground to survey the camp.
Turn 5 begins with the arrival of two blood wyrms one of which Barnes toasts with his last firebomb while the other charges and reduces him to wounded for his pyrotechnical mayhem before dying.
Johansen kills another skulking mutant only to find two more in camp and Harris tests the dinosaur's hide with a dose of rifle fire.
Turn six and the bad guys have got to start being cleared from the camp area...cue Barnes who scores a whopping seven hits with a fast ball frag grenade, covering the camp with chunks of burning tentacle. And narrowly missing Harris in the process.
Clyde zeros the dinosaur and consolidates back to camp with the shaken Harris while Johansen mops up some mutants in a very businesslike fashion.
Turn 7 means trouble when three mutants appear right on the edge of camp threatening to undo the crew’s hard work. Barnes is forced to close with them and takes another wound for killing two as Clyde offers some side show shooting to take out two more skulking blood wyrms.
Harris ruins the party by conjuring another giant tentacle as she X’s the last mutant and clips the dinosaur in the crossfire.
The dinosaur is incensed...and guts the unsuspecting Barnes on the spot at the start of the final turn!!
Clyde with no LOS is forced to ATC and the shot bounces off its hide. The dinosaur strikes again now inside the camp reducing Harris to wounded, her return hit also fails to penetrate and Johansen is too far out so Harris is left to deal with it alone. 1 shot....1 damage die...2 wounds! One dead dinosaur...
No one has managed to pin the tentacle in place with gunfire and it spontaneously relocates....less than an inch from the camp border. Victory.
With victory comes the salvage and with flak coats, grenades,a rifle for Clyde ammo and rations supplemented by the Dino meat the crew live to fight on but they will do so without their leader.
Barnes never recovers from his fight with the dinosaur and so as most senior crew member the heavy mantle of leadership, and a cool hat, passes to Clyde the amiable orang-utan
The survivors are toughened with upgrades and better equipped but will they survive another close mission now theyare only three?
Scenario 3: Get to da....oh never mind
‘Oo oo oo ooo oo o’
Translation: ‘Well we’re shorthanded with the boss laid up but I’m sure if we all pull together we can get the Doc to the transport...’
Hoping for a quiet day at the office, the last three crew members (Clyde, Harris and Johansen) guide the rescued Doctor to the waiting choppa...
Turn one started slow, Clyde took charge of the Doc and Harris stuck close. Johansen had other ideas rolled maximum actions and triggered a random spawning straight off the bat . A large Ban-dog appeared on the far side of the board. She then moved into space and searched for some much needed salvage.....result two salvage markers and one very large hungry looking Carnivorous Ape...marvellous...
The ape then double activated, charged Johansen and reduced her to one condition point for no damage in return.
Thankfully it lost interest in the following turn and random moved letting Harris have a close range pop with her last AP rounds. JAM!
‘For fleg's sake noooo....’
Sensing that it was going to be one of those days she turned and double moved away taking the Doc off of Clyde’s hands in the process.
Johansen knowing the end was near squeezed off a couple of rounds while the ape’s back was turned
‘Right in the arse!’
Turn 3 and it was time to make some hard choices. Clyde stood between the ban-dog and the Doc so he ATC’d forward for no hits then shot the shimmering beast only to watch the rounds absorbed by its inter dimensional hide.
Next it was Harris’s turn to top score and attract the attention of three passing tech savages. Thankfully at distance. She then un-jammed her weapon and moved close to the transport under cover of the cliffs. The ape attacked Johansen again losing a wound in the process.
The ban-dog gave Clyde ‘a look’ then leaped on him reducing them both to only one condition point in vicious punch up.
Staggered by her wounds Johansen only managed to generate one action.
With enough space she gave the ape both barrels for only one damage die then rolled three hits! The first was taken by its hide.
'See that? Ricocheted off one of its big honky teeth!'
While the second and third drilled into its brain !! Dead.
Turn four saw the ban-dog finish the job on Clyde taking him out, the tech savages circled around to the salvage markers and Johansen (who claimed one) while Harris made good her escape with the Doc.
Initiative stayed with the adversaries in turn five and they closed in on the limping Johansen who just managed to stay out of their reach.
Turn 6 and the ban-dog tries to chase Johansen down but she is saved when Harris makes it to the transport with the Doc bringing the game to an end...
Well it started bad, got worse and then the sun came out.
Watching the transport disappear over the horizon with the valuable doctor the crew lick their wounds and take stock.
Clyde came back at full strength and Barnes returns too but things are not looking good...only Harris and Johansen gained any upgrades for the effort (marksman skill for Harris and a deal of mods for both) but it will be all for nothing if they don’t find ammo and rations.
Barnes now has the butt of his shotgun (no ammo) 1 incendiary and 2 frag grenades (should be fun)...The rest have enough ammo for one mission then it’s knives only. And that’s if the rations hold out...
Ogre Warband Part 7 : Light infantry
Light infantry? Not round here I’m afraid, not with these salad dodging maniacs. Maybe ‘slightly lighter’ infantry is more accurate for wha...
All finished and ready for the table... First time on the fire effects 😬 Cheers for now...
Due to the nature of ‘The End’ and the world that it left behind many different environments have become evident from initial expediti...