Sunday 28 July 2024

Ogre Warband Part 4

First unit of ogres is up and running 

Four man heavy armor and shields to distinguish them from what will be a standard six man more lightly armored unit.

Pretty happy with how they turned out and a good vibe for the rest of the warband. I like the contrast of light skin against the darkness of the armor which was achieved with multiple washes of agrax and nuln oil over a base of iron warriors with a silver edge dry brush.

Finally found some common ground with agrax after multiple ‘shiny’ disappointments. Alternatively storing upside down (very carefully as it not cheap to spill) a super shake before use and a damp brush with absolutely no water to thin it down seems to work for me. 

Cheers all

Ogre Warband Part 3 The case for bases

 Now to the question of bases

One of the decisions that arises when starting or planning a new miniature project is that of bases.

Size, shape material…the rules which you play will often guide (if not control) your choice in this. Unfortunately I am far too fickle to cleave to a single rule set so the problem of bases always is one of prolonged and changeable personal choice for me.

Three of the ogres unearthed have been completed to an acceptable tabletop standard (all I can muster I’m afraid) and placed on 40mm circular mdf bases. At this time I was obviously of the opinion that larger figures would be better served with such and circular bases do appeal to me ascetically, nice organic skirmishy shapes tabletop wise. 

However, straight lines and precise cornerage are just as often required (if not demanded) by the shadowy needs of my unconscious ocd concerning the incredibly important matter of where and how little painted men should be standing. (Dress that line soldier!)

Coupled with the fact that other material pressures will curtail the finance package of this summer project and that I simply refuse to cut that many circles for the proposed movement trays after the last debacle with the circle cutter…means 20 square bases, 40mm a side of a 2mm thickness reasonably purchased for less than a fiver from a well trusted eBay seller (wargame-model-mods) should get us moving along the correct vector.

Movement trays of different sizes are also available but having the remnants of an A1 sheet of grey board (heavy grey cardboard used in book binding amongst others) I choose to scratch build the lot ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

This decision also allows a certain freedom of unit size as will be seen with the first unit completed and the wolves for that matter.

A piece of grey board was cut to size (130mm x 90mm) and 5mm strips of the same glued to the edges. The six bases were then tested fitted and the whole thing binned in a fit of childish temper ๐Ÿ˜ณ.

Due to the tolerances allowed for advancing age and decreasing eyesight the bases were just too tight and once gravelled and painted would be unworkably so. Slightly narrower 3-4mm strips were cut and test fitted and everyone was able to calm down. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

I wanted to get some kind of ruined feel in the bases along with a blasted heathish feel (listening to Horrorbabble again)  so a thick cork heat pad (darling? Have you seen my mother’s heat pad anywhere…?) was donated torn to pieces and arranged as ruined blocks or rocks depending on choice.

Standard sand removed from a bulk bag on site was glued to the remaining parts of the bases and the edges of the tray were covered with a finely sieved version of the same. Diluted Revell black was applied to all.

Now…the ogre skin is probably going to be the lightest area (pastey northern types) so wanted the armour and bases to contrast this. Dark green was dry brushed onto the earth, then nato olive and finally a touch of dead flesh to highlight. The rocks I wanted to have a slightly eerie fantasy feel so a good solid dry brush with Revell blue grey then adding light blue and finally pure light blue to the edges. Wanted to avoid added white as much as possible to preserve the coolness of the blue.

2mm Winter static grass was then applied in random clumps (war world scenics) with only one electronic belt from the flocking flocker this time, then the dried and pressed leaves of a catkin were added for an autumnal wind blown leaf affect and to give a warm ish contrast to the cool of the blue rocks.

Sealed with a pass of Matt varnish and we can call that done๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

The wolf bases were handled the same but were made of a 40x40 base edge glued and extended with two 20x20 bases to give two 40x60 bases (2 wolves to a base) with exactly the same movement tray size as the other units. Ocd satisfied….

Cheers all

Saturday 27 July 2024

Ogre Warband Part 2

 After some lengthy churning and a deal of weapon counting the conclusion to have a nice axey feel to the warband was taken. I have acquired a deal of parts over the years as anyone with history in this hobby can attest to so freedom of choice is not so much a luxury as standard procedure when venturing into the bits box.

There is a preponderance of minotaur weaponry available, the vast majority axes, and they are a good size to swap out against the standard clubs that come in the kit. Don't get me wrong everyone can identify with a refrigerator sized spiked club wielded by a ten foot bald headed lunatic, and there will be a few nice pieces sprinkled into the mix thanks to parts from the black orc set, but the axes just seemed like a nice choppy alternative.  

First two members of a four man/ogre unit and one of the heaviest by the looks.
Single handed axe the size of a coffee table and a large shield which will be provided by the remnants of a stonehorn kit. Along with helmet heads and the heavier belly plates will make these guys part of the armoured centre of the Warband/lunch party.

Cheers all


Ogre Warband (year 20)

 After about twenty years I figure these guys have been patient enough.

Two boxes of parts spares bits and pieces from a number of kits not all ogres but some of the larger weapons from other gw kits too (black orcs and Minotaur mostly) should by now furnish enough to create a Warband 

Looks to be about thirty in total (27 foot and 3 mounted) 

So should furnish five or six units depending on make up 2,4 or 6 men 

First problem…pretty sure I had at least a brace of sabre cats but a thorough churning of fifteen or so other boxes of accumulated wargames figures has turned up zilch-a-Rooney…๐Ÿค”

There are no problems only opportunities and ideas spring from adversity so we will use this cowpat of figure loss age as a spring board of identity 

We have nine fenrisian wolves which are languishing in a state of mild neglect that can be requisitioned in to the current summer project.

And seeing as I have no intention of pauperising myself to buy enough warhammer rule books or be using the Warband for competition purpose we can pretty much free our imagination 

Replacing the cats with wolves and using them as they’re own separate unit will also fill out the light cavalry/skirmisher section (which we don’t have ๐Ÿคท‍♂️) and probably doesn’t exist in ogre culture.

Two hunting packs of four wolves to use as a fast attack/screen should suffice as they are quite large though not as large as the rhino sized thunder wolves which are to be the mounts of the orc army.

Marrying this with the banner that turned up during churning should be able to crow bar a wolf ish feel/totem/emblem into the Warband ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Cheers all


Ogre Warband Part 7 : Light infantry

 Light infantry? Not round here I’m afraid, not with these salad dodging maniacs. Maybe ‘slightly lighter’ infantry is more accurate for wha...